Maybe blogging less is a symptom of tweeting more. I don’t know. But I wrote a few things on “popular microblogging site twitter dot com” yesterday evening and was very kindly encouraged to gather them together here. So (displayed slightly oddly), here it is.
No campaign war on the English language: 1. demonise nationalism. 2. every Yes voter is a nationalist. 3. Only BNP are British nationalists.
— James Mackenzie (@mrjamesmack) August 15, 2014
They want to reframe the whole question to "are you a dirty nationalist?", because they can win that.
— James Mackenzie (@mrjamesmack) August 15, 2014
Next time you see the No campaign use phrases like "a blow for the nationalists" it's not because they forgot Greens & Socialists etc exist.
— James Mackenzie (@mrjamesmack) August 15, 2014
I'm beyond not nationalist. I don't even identify as Scottish or British at all, unless the football's on. But I couldn't be more Yes.
— James Mackenzie (@mrjamesmack) August 15, 2014
I want a very different independence to the SNP's policies, but we have allies there: no pound, no Queen, no NATO, no tax cuts for business.
— James Mackenzie (@mrjamesmack) August 15, 2014
We will resolve those differences in the appropriate way: let the people of Scotland decide what kind of independence they want in 2016.
— James Mackenzie (@mrjamesmack) August 15, 2014