The main beauty of the beauty contest blog rankings is that most bloggers that are involved in them say on the outside that ‘they’re just a bit of fun’ but on the inside they’re boring their eyes into you thinking ‘Vote for me! Vote for me!!’. So, as much as my co-editors will tut, sigh and think a whole lot less of me for this, and now that the Total Politics Blog ranking 2011 voting lines are open, let me just beg of you this,
it’s only a bit of fun vote for us!
As electoral tactics go, pleading to lend us your votes simply because we put in a good bit of blood, sweat and tears to keep this blog going, kept the energy up during a lacklustre election campaign and provided a new resource for #sp11 election results (oooh, shiny!), is probably not enough so let me try this instead….. Tom Harris cannot win Scotland’s top blog award for the umpteenth year in a row. End of.
Seriously, this is the West Lothian question turned on its head that we’re dealing with here. Tom’s multi-award winning, platinum ‘And Another Thing’ blog scooped the prize in recent years on the back of predominantly English readers (as Tom, being an MP working in London, understandably tends to stay away from devolved issues). This may be less of an issue now that it is Labour Hame that is in the running, a distinctly Scottish beast, but how would you feel if Mr H was top of the charts once again?
Now, don’t get me wrong, this poll is deeply flawed, it’s even worse than the d’hondt system. What is to stop anyone from creating numerous email addresses and sending in their votes collecting 10points per email? Nothing but the belief in the common decency of our fellow man (and the last few days alone has put paid to that). However, this is the only show in town. Wikio is flawed due to its unfair reward of the group of blogs known affectionately as ‘circle jerk’ (or Lib Dem blogs if you really want to be specific about it) and there is nothing that is going to stop Total Politics from hosting this exercise every year (as I would prefer, at least until they have a decent system in place). So, if there are to be rankings, all blogs might as well get involved, all bloggers might as well aim to be as high as they fairly can and all Scots should be crossing their fingers that MacBloggers are well represented, not to mention that Scotland has a new champion in a few weeks’ time.
There are several Scottish blogs that could topple the lovable rogue from Glasgow South and I like to think that this here is one of them. So, if you don’t do it for you, for us, for your nation or for democratic duty itself, at least do it for whatever satisfaction the sight of Mr Harris slipping down the rankings will provide.
NB – The rules have changed in that you must complete this survey in order to vote.
(Tom, if you’re reading this, don’t be put off; please also vote for us!)
#1 by Zoe Smith on August 11, 2011 - 1:17 pm
The Total Politics blog awards voting system gives me rage- I tried to vote for this blog 3 days ago but got so annoyed I had to stop. In the interests of expressing my democratic right I will try again but I cannot be responsible for any ensuing rage-related, twitter based incidents.
#2 by Daniel J on August 11, 2011 - 1:31 pm
I agree, I can’t even name ten blogs I want to vote for..
#3 by Jeff on August 11, 2011 - 1:35 pm
Thanks for trying to put us in somewhere Zoe and, yes, I just filled it in too and it was a right pain in the pipes. It says you only need to fill in five but in the second section (the individual bloggers, as opposed to individual blogs!?) you have to do the full ten. Not easy at all once you’re into the second half.
Anyway, that might put some people off, but not us hardy Scots, right? Grr…
#4 by Despairing on August 11, 2011 - 1:35 pm
You got my vote.
Below my own, obviously!
#5 by Jeff on August 11, 2011 - 1:41 pm
Excellent, thanks.
And you mine (I won’t say where but you were in the top 20% quintile). I can’t speak for the other guys and gal, they really do frown on all this stuff (except Malc, he loves it. Infact, the little kid in that photo reminds me of Malc in a way. Lots of ways actually. And no, I wouldn’t be saying that if he wasn’t away on holiday.)
#6 by Despairing on August 11, 2011 - 1:52 pm
Maybe it’s the halo that the kid seems to have?
#7 by theshooglypeg on August 11, 2011 - 4:05 pm
Good god, what a ridiculous system! I only went on to vote for you and the Burd’s own blog, but was forced into voting for myself once I’d voted for everybody else I could think of, just to make up the numbers!
Anyway, good luck.
#8 by Jeff on August 11, 2011 - 5:26 pm
Muchos gracias, for the vote and for the perseverance!
#9 by The Burd on August 11, 2011 - 10:21 pm
Thanks for the vote for mine Shoogly Peg. I am being all rather meh about it and won’t be plugging ABEV. Largely cos i don’t see being rated by Iain Dale’s mob as any kind of accolade frankly but also cos I can’t be ersed. I like the fact that people like reading my witterings and that is good enough for me. But I do think BN deserves a vote for Jeff’s ingenious campaign slogan! And i will of course be more than happy to participate fully as a team member if we win!!
#10 by Allan Rennie on August 11, 2011 - 4:35 pm
Had a quick stab at voting, process too long and tedious. Better Nation is the only political blog I read regularly and i’d struggle to name five political blogs never mind 10. If anyone is willing to list another 9 blogs worth voting for please do so and i’ll happily vote when I get the chance.
#11 by James Kelly on August 11, 2011 - 5:12 pm
Jeff, I salute (and envy) your ingenuity. “Vote for us because HARRIS MUST NOT WIN” is the one slogan that cannot even conceivably fail.
May I be the first to congratulate Better Nation on its triumph.
#12 by A Wandering Pilgrim on August 12, 2011 - 12:47 pm
Can’t think of ten blogs to vote for????
Well here’s one for you to use (after – of course): which is a Northern Irish blog… come on vote early, vote often!
#13 by Jeff on August 12, 2011 - 12:53 pm
Shameless. But then, I’m hardly one to talk.
Touche my good fellow, touche….
#14 by Barbarian on August 13, 2011 - 12:03 am
Didn’t like the voting system, since I only follow 3 blogs (I know a few others but refuse to vote for them!). But I’d have voted for you and Planet Politics, since they are only ones that the Mr (and Mrs and Ms of course!) Angry’s seem to stay away from.
#15 by Jeff on August 13, 2011 - 8:15 am
Thanks very much. We don’t even have to trash too many angry/trolling ones so we’re very pleased with things here. Agree with Planet Politics; I don’t get to read too many other blogs out there but that one’s one of the most regular for me too.
And I think you have till the Aug 19th if you change your mind on the Total Politics things (I had to say it since there are potentially three lots of votes in it…!)
#16 by Lily on August 13, 2011 - 10:33 pm
sigh. i will try it again when I am more awake. It requires a more robust memory than I can give it just now….
#17 by Doug Daniel on August 14, 2011 - 2:26 pm
That felt fairly cumbersome. Although I must say it was easier to come up with 10 blogs than I first thought – this place, Kate’s blog, Lallands Peat Worrier, James Kelly, Bella Caledonia, Gerry Hassan, Joan McAlpine, Iain MacWhirter… Plenty to choose from.